
Question aux travailleurs de l'ombre : quid des maraudeurs dans des guildes ...

Virg: I'm talking about logic, not sophistry.A neutral''s fames are bound to be 50 or under with no floor. Once you've taken Kami/Kara/Nation rite, one of your fames can go to 100 and another one can't go over 0. I believe you and I both know that a marauder's fame can't go over 0 and that marauders passed a rite.

Aru: it is a bug because it is a bug. Not because it offends my sense of roleplay. Ask a dev. If I'm wrong, let the dev answer here. At the second one of them says I'm wrong with that, then this post has no meaning anymore and it becomes a matter of roleplay (and believe it or not, I'm pretty sure this post wasn't supposed to be about choices in roleplay).

Bitty: If Rangers are to become a faction (like Kami, Karas and Marauders), then the same rules should apply to them as to the other factions. The Ranger faction, though, is not yet in existence, so my opinion here is just an opinion. For the marauder faction, it's a fact on which I MAY be wrong. But you just have to ask the question.
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