
Question aux travailleurs de l'ombre : quid des maraudeurs dans des guildes ...

Just a little word on here to say how I consider things here.

Kamis can't join Kara guilds. Marauders can join any guild. Neutrals can join any guild.

A neutral's "ideal" fames is +50 everywhere: basically, supportive of everybody. Ideal between quotation marks because different roleplays may induce very different fames.

A marauder's ideal fames is -100 everywhere, but at least under -42 because of the marauder rite. Making them ennemies of every state. From a logical point of view, if Karas and Kamis can't mix, then Marauders shouldn't be able to mix either. Heck, Kamis and Karas can't even enter neutral guilds.

It is not racism, fascism or whateverism driving those who request marauders not to be able to guild in non marauder guilds, and maybe they're adressing the topic in a way making the marauders feel like they're singled out and mistreated. The fact is, though, that it's closer to asking equality in the way Marauders, Kamis and Karas said are treated.
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