
Question aux travailleurs de l'ombre : quid des maraudeurs dans des guildes ...

I have taken the time to write an in-depth coverage of what roleplay I choose to follow. I actually think this roleplay is far less superficial than many of the "hardcore" roleplayers. I do not follow the lore like I bible but I do not think the lore should be followed like a bible- this is a sandbox game. Do not tell others how to play with their sand- essentially you are trying to impose your own RP restrictions on others- others who aren't even in the same faction as you! It is ridiculous! (I know I have recently asked Zendae to change the RP of an event but that is an entirely different matter, one OC, and I will not go into that discussion here).

Have a think of what a "lore" actually is. It is not written in stone and it certainly is not something to be followed down to the last word. I think you guys get way to hung up on the lore- it is not a rulebook! Have a look at a few definitions online and maybe then you might understand more.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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Last visit Monday, 16 September 19:54:43 UTC

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