
Question aux travailleurs de l'ombre : quid des maraudeurs dans des guildes ...

Binarabi (atys)
Corwin (atys)
or just honestly admit this is an obvious bug due to unfinished dev on the marau faction
same way marau aligned toon can port while sitting , in water or when using invulnerability, all other aligned toon cant.
there is no reason for some player to be able to do it while some others cant

This is nothing - we are talking about genocide of a multinational organization here in this land

Please Binarabi, stop using he word genocide in this context. It is disrespectful. What is happening here in a "virtual" game (and I stress on "virtual") does not compare with a genocide at all. Nobody is actually dying. The term genocide should be used when there is an actual genocide, so it does not lose its strength and its importance.

Same goes for racism. There are human beings suffering from that IRL. I don't think you are actually helping anybody by applying it to a discussion about the gameplay of a video game during a discussion on an Internet forum. If you feel like you actually need to fight against racism, I invite you to go to your local Anti-racism association and learn more about what they do and actually help them in any way you can.

Some words are not to be toyed with.
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Last visit Monday, 16 September 20:09:18 UTC

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