
Question aux travailleurs de l'ombre : quid des maraudeurs dans des guildes ...

In French, the term "nation" refers to a "nation-state".
And since the authors of the lore are Frenchspeaker, I'll play it safe and bet on a hasty translation of the original version into English.

Let's expand on that and let me copy-paste the French version (tant qu'à faire) : Les Maraudeurs des Nouvelles Terres rejettent également les Homins des Nouvelles Terres. Beaucoup parmi eux ont dans leur passé servi leur nation, mais, déçus par celle-ci, ont choisi de s'en détacher.

In French, it is said that the marauders were let down by their "nation" (- déçus par celle-ci-, literally means "disappointed by it" (it being the "nation")). The funny fact is that there is no mention of constraints or of governments in French. Maybe the English translator felt it was needed to give some more explanations ? It would be interesting to have an official stance on this, especially since core explanations are so different o_O.

Anyway, this does in no way invalidates your way of seeing thing, which is actually interesting and answers to the core value of the Marauders : You are saying that you wish to destroy all the governments, which are sources of poison and corruption. So it means that you actually are the ennemy of every citizen that accept such government.

Then it means that you are actually breaking away from every governement/civilisation/nation, right ?

So you are actually defending not your way, but the way of some other people who decided that Marauders should be able to live in the civilized areas, under the rule of governments ?
Please correct me if I am wrong.
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