
Question aux travailleurs de l'ombre : quid des maraudeurs dans des guildes ...

Virg, I read your post, and I read the lore.

Could you please read the paragraph I copy-pasted from the Lore page ?
Pretty please ?

Marauders of the New Lands refer to the 2nd group you were mentioning.

See, I copy-paste it again : Many of the Marauders of the New Lands have served a nation in their past, but, disappointed by their leader and the chafing of the constraints of living under the rule of civilized government, have chosen to break away.

you can find that here :

This is the definition of the faction by the very creators of the faction.
How can this not be a core value ?
Please explain that to me ?
It's a defining value of the marauder faction.
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