
Question aux travailleurs de l'ombre : quid des maraudeurs dans des guildes ...

" zation"
The new homin civilizations were built by those who had forgotten the ones that were left behind to the Kitins. The new governments quickly forgot those left in the Old Lands and no rescue attempts were made. Bitter at their abandonment, the Marauder clans of the Old Lands forcibly reject those that could so easily forget their own. Many of the Marauders of the New Lands have served a nation in their past, but, disappointed by their leader and the chafing of the constraints of living under the rule of civilized government, have chosen to break away.

Virg, the whole point of being a Marauder is to break away from nations and live an independent life.

What's next ? Karavaneers standing up and saying Ma-Duk is their loved god and that they believe in him and not Jena, and since Ryzom is a sandbox game, it should be accepted, even more since it's not a "basic" view. Or Kamists who believe in the all powerful Karavan ?

I'm all for originality, but going against the "core value" of a faction is a bit hard to cope with. Maybe McDonalds will open gas stations and will start dealing oils on international markets ? Why not, I guess the real life is a big sandbox, right ?
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Last visit Monday, 16 September 19:51:58 UTC

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