have newbies start in a city of their choice.

Sadly, this idea would turn away even more beginners than Silan does.

Let's take this thread, some might remember it - "Why I will never pay to play Ryzom". It raises a lot of valid points about defaults and expectations.

Could a zorai newbie run straight into Knot of Dementia, just by walking some 200m north from the Zora welcomer? Yes, they could, and would get promptly killed. Not so fun.

Would they attempt to kill a level 200-ish mob with their bloody level 1 dagger? Sure thing. The game purposefully hides mob level from you, and very few people end up asking what the region level is, what the stars next to the mob name mean, etc.

Will they have less rez chances, given that they aren't all in one place, but divided in 4 different capitals? I think so. Will there be discussions about the "most lively city", but now with people fearing they outright started in the wrong place, with the wrong race?

Would newcomers bitch & moan about losing their mounts, after they spent all their hard-earned dappers on them?

etc etc


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