
[Matis] Natae Assembly

Sorry Laelgia as the transcript states the topic of rumours regarding Karan wishing Matis and Karavan to regain control of the forest outpost was discussed twice with the royal guard.
the transcript states that you left before the topic was discussed the second time so as you would of missed this part of the meeting, this was the response.

Sirgia says: Aleeskandaro, I do not know what was said at this meeting—I am not a Noble. However, outposts are a guild matter, not a Royal matter. I would be very surprised if the Karan attempted to impose royal will on guild matters.

I hope this helps. I would suggest talking with Aleeskandaro or Elvanae ;)

Also the topic regarding guild fame reaching 100% for spears of Eora was not included as it doesn’t affect other guilds in any way.

I am not a royal scribe and unfortunately there isn’t much interest in the english side of role-play in the forest. It would be great to see an increase of english guilds involved in rumours and hearsay… oops i mean “role-play” much of the same though isn’t it?.

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Last visit Saturday, 14 September 21:48:38 UTC

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