
[Matis] Natae Assembly

Natae Assembly dated Tuesday, 9 December, 2014 (1st AC 2582)

Sirgia Pirello opened our Assembly

Sirgia says: Ser Salazar posting on the public notice boards asking about strange memories. We all need to search our memories please.

Ozwomen say: I have asked for an event to build a brewery in Natae, to produce Dandelion Wine our Matis wine.
Sirgia says: Do we have a brewer who knows how to make a drink?
Ozwomen say: we need mushrooms, dandelion flowers and berries for the wine.
Sirgia says: There is no use building a brewery if there is no brewer. ((OOC: Any “brewer” that has to interact with the players on a long term basis will have to be scripted NPC. /PPC)). Will take this to the event and technical team and see if it is possible.

Laelgia says: I would like to ask if there have been any sighting of the aggressive Atysmas trees.
Sirgia says: I have not heard of any yet. They do seem to spawn around Atysmas, so keep your eyes peeled. I have not seen a lot of the snowmen yet.
Sirgia says : No spoilers, but a bunch of stuff will spawned after the 19th. Some of it will be a real surprise.

Ozwomen say: I would like to talk about the Lacerating Kirosta level 233 in the tunnel of Woe. I have investigated the lower tunnel. I thought we only had 15 but I was wrong. We lost count of them when mapping the tunnels and in some places we could not get through, because there were to many. We did try and get to the last tunnel it is deep, we came across a lot of Kirosta and Awesome Kidink.

Sirgia says: There is a kitin Nest there, and has been for some time. I think more homins in a team might help there.

Mirja says: Hey, there don’t happen to be reports on Kizarak seen, eventually? (I forgot to tell Mirja that Kizarak walked over my dead body.)

Laelgia says: It is possible that these Kitins are laying eggs in there? Maybe in the deepest layers of the tunnel? ( there was some talk a few months or years ago, about the tunnel being another place where kitin larvae could be found)

Aleeskandaro says: I have explored the tunnel in the past, looking for precious materials.I will discuss the possibility of sending a second exploration bridge there and report our findings at the next assembly if that works.

Sirgia says: That would be wonderful. Please cooperate with Ozwomen and the Spears. In numbers there is strength.

Ozwomen say: Sirgia Pirello do you know if the tunnel will lead to the old land?

Sirgia says: But I do think that I have heard that in the old days of the New Lands, homins did find treasure there.

I would like to thank Sirgia Pirello for our Assembly.
In attendance was Ozwomen, Mirja, Laelgia and Aleeskandaro.

Stevano Aiye!, Jena Aiye!, Matis Aiye!.

Matis Ambassador.
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