Punishment Declares

Elvanae .... No I wasn't responding to your post, in fact i didn't read your post. I was responding to the postulation that responding to an attack with an attack is somehow "wrong". Under the reason given for the repeated attacks, the response is not only entirely to be expected but I'm surprised it wasn't done immediately. If taking the OP was done w/o even the repeated annoyance attacks ever occurring, how would that be wrong if RP is to always take precedence of what is good for game.

As for the tickets .... if someone repeatedly asked me to duel day after day after day, I would file a harassment ticket. If someone repeatedly chose to fight mobs repeatedly where I was digging, I would file a harassment ticket. It's annoying and detracts from the enjoyment of the game. The GMs can act as they see fit. If no action resulted, I would react in one of two ways:

a) As one whose focus and enjoyment from the game is in helping and cooperative activities with other folk, completely ignore the individual.
b) If it continued w/ action by the GMs or community, recognize that this is the no longer the community that I wanted to be a part of and add my name to the rapidly growing list of former players.

Again, speaking as a bystander who has no interest in OP battles, to my eyes repeated attacks, with no real effort put forth to actually win, appear to have the sole purpose of annoying and frustrating the defenders. My reference to RP is completely unrelated to your post and completely unrelated to the repeated attacks and counter attack actions **in and of themselves**. Under RP, aren't the factions supposed to try and obliterate the other ? I reference RP here only as a symptom of that philosophy.

Various adjectives could be used to describe certain behaviors I have observed in game, none flattering, but all excusable under the guise of RP. So no it's not the reaction to the attacks but the mindset that RP already makes any and all behaviors "OK" that I am addressing.

If you are going to repeatedly conduct a behavior that the recipient obviously finds disrespectful and annoying, one should never be surprised by the eventual response..... here's an example of that in the extreme.

Where I am getting lost is what's the difference between:

a) You ... yada yada yada .... attacked us xx times ...yads yada yada .... it's annoying and extremely boring.... yada yada ytada .... we are taking your OP.
b) You are in the other faction and the lore says the factions hate each other, so we are going to take the OP.

If we are going to accept the axiom that faction RP takes precedence over everything else, no excuse is needed for any action.


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