
KipeeCraft 1.1 + Homepage released

Talkirc (atys)
hey ff is there a good description of this zyroom on forums or bunnynet ? that last post kinda tweaked my interest.

There is but not in a public section .... if i can figure it out, I'll move it.

But basically, Zyroom .....

1. Let's your view on or off-line:

-Your Toon's inventories for animals, room and GH
-Your Alt's inventories for animals, room and GH
-Any Toon or GH that you have the API for

2. Provides alerts for when your stuff is:

-About to sold off vendors
-Removed from iGH nventory
-Room or GH getting full

3. Lets you create logs of chat channels

4. Backs Up your files

5. Tells you when next season change is

6. Tells you if server is up / down.

7. Tells you when each boss will next pop and where.

<OK%^%$#@*** I made up **** ^&%# ** that last one &^%$#*** but I bet it sure *** ^&^%# made lotta peeps excited *** %^$#

OK figured it out .... moved to public section


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Last visit Sunday, 16 June 03:10:03 UTC

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