Boss timers

The point of removing camping is that when someone goes on a boss scout they have an equal chance of finding a boss as anyone else. I have not been active recently due to work but when I was in Asylum I knew of at least 6 guilds that time camped- all in varying degrees. The point is it gives an advantage. Instead of checking all bosses regularly, check the ones you know are going to spawn within the time window more frequently. As for alt camping I did see a camping alt very recently.

As I have already said- I like the thought of increasing the chance of anyone finding a boss whilst doing any activity. Increasing boss spawns to 10 would give (partially) the same affect of a boss spawning anywhere. This also means more chance of a boss spawning in an aggro area- which I think is a good thing. Bosses are far too easy to kill these days. Yeh sure there are KPs but they can be handled by relatively small teams with easy.

Daomei your statement of "there is no camping epidemic" is entirely based on you running around PR whilst not looking for bosses. Camping alts log in and out within 10-30seconds. You go work out the maths of the chance of you running into them but please don't post on here. I am not continuing with this discussion with you- stopping right now.


What I want to know is would it really take that much effort to add new spawns for the boss? Would it be that much effort to change the equation of the spawning time? If not just do it- removing camping completely- then we can be done with this. I gave up arguing this point ages ago as people wanted proper scientific methods to prove my statements and frankly that is just way too much effort.

Make bosses truly random. It will benefit everyone except campers. Job done.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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