Im inactive for a while, ..since shortly after wipe. I heard from guild members that after merge the former leanon guilds encounters a "problem" leanon EVERY guild (roleplay Ort not) makes exceptions in hunting, reviving or boss bunt (except NPC bosses, one kami guild was trying to break it, but the Rest oft the Server didn't want to make it pilitical). So for me it's hard to understand, why its a problem. In leanon we were in first "fans" of this game, that is already in a hard position why scare newbies !? And at first its a game with many different contents. Of course its nice, when RP guild is consequently combining all the content ...but others mayjust see it different AND the content is NOT developed for fraction wars ...outpost is "open for everything" if the guild is not making just guild on guild, they should respect other points of view. Same is for bosses.