
Tryker meeting 13th October, 2014

Well when a previously seen (on Ari) non-RP event ends up being turned into a RP event (non-RP->RP) one can only assume that people will get angry and try and turn it back around (RP->non-RP). The shame is that it is on the RP forum in the first place where imo it doesn't belong (Ref: Tamarea's definitions).

I had a little read on Nizy's case and could not quite believe that they wanted to completely stop him from playing on that account all together. After X many years of work.. Well in doing so they aren't really doing any positive promotion (imo) for RP. "Hey come RP and we will try to stop you playing on your main toon!"

Hopefully we can find a fix but all of my propositions have been turned down without much reason or rhyme.



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