Histories ...

Picking up her Igara pen and taking another drink of stinga rum, Binarabi sits down to describe the "other" marauders she has researched

Some tales - written on the scrolls, are about marauders who kill, who enchant homins from their guilds and homes and take them to their own city - indoctrinating them with cruel ideas and leaving them to become simple-minded and lost ... anecdotal records show that these homins also halted diggers in Prime Roots, such as Elusive Forest, and demanded money off them ... others just killed diggers with no warning ... these marauders were unknown before the last Great Swarming ... they appear to be the villains talked of elsewhere - but they are not a True Picture of all Maurauders

Maruaders do not believe in following any religion - they do not bend their knees to Ma'Duk or to Jena - in this way they are more like the followers of Tryton. Some marauders are kind towards refugees and are friendly and will engage in talk of Old Days and share their dappers to homins in need ... again - almost like Trytonists who know that Ma'Duk and Jena are lies and who believe homins should unite as one community - sharing with all

As written before - marauders are not by their nature senseless murderers, the fact that some appear to have chosen this path does not mean we should close our hearts to all of them. There are times when all homins, regardless of their chosen alliance have to unite against a common enemy - the kitin, and we should encourage communications without the anger and even rage that has been shown on Atyss

Binarabi lays down her pen and sits thoughtfully ...


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)
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