
Tryker meeting 13th October, 2014

Tamarea thank you for your post however I personally feel that it was written with a complete bias towards roleplayers. Firstly I would like to quote you twice:

1. [FH] market (a RP event)

2. A non-RP event is above all a good time shared by all players who want nothing but to have fun together. During such an event, the game's story and the experiences of the characters are of no importance. Only the feel of the moment matters.

These two statements are complete utter contradictions, at the very least in reference to the FHF experienced on Ari. You talk of respect but where was the respect offered to the players who were on Ari when the Tryker RPers hijacked the FHF, twisted it into a RP event and solely excluded the marauders from it.

I will add a third quote which I feel will sum up my thoughts on the situation at hand, and reflects many others as well:

3. [It is] disrespectful [to] roleplay at a non-roleplay event.

I don't think I need to mention the particular CoC you have quoted and the thought that what some players have done could be considered against it...


I have spoken to many Ari players and even ones who don't usually agree with me all the time and many have backed up exactly what I believe; That the FH fair on ari was not a RP event, instead it was an event for the server. In fact, let me quote a friend:

"FHF is not in my mind a Tryker event, but an Atysian event put on by the Trykers. That being the case, all homins should be welcome. In addition is is an event with a very LOW RP factor".


Your own personal take on marauders is far too outdated. Many old players roleplayed as such and where are they now? They all left. Instead, Syndicate has now attempted to revitalise the Marauder faction, many players even leaving their own faction, their lovely hard fought and won q250 OPs and sadly some friends as well. This was, for me at least, a huge sacrifice. One that I took upon myself to make for the better of the game.

The marauders currently have, as I am sure you are aware, no meetings, no events, no missions and certainly no RP made for us. I understand this is supposed to come, but that was several months ago. Instead everything we do, we make up ourselves. Any other events that are made can be considered a little treat for us, something we can do without having to put any effort into creating it. So I am sure you can imagine my reaction when I read that I will not be allowed into the FHF, a server-wide non-roleplay event. The most RP that has actually ever been brought to an Ari FHF was a little speech I once made about tryker freedom, it lasted less than 2 minutes and that was about it.

There are little events as it is these days- do we really need to start excluding people from it? I know many of the higher-powers that be are set on removing the marauders from the game and I can only imagine their delight when CSN left but the marauders bring a much needed third point of the triangle to OP wars. This game, despite much outspoken hate against PVP, would be dead without it.

I do not roleplay much, but when I do it is nothing like how CSN used to roleplay. Think about what we have seen recently- the Karas and Marauders fighting together at an OP battle. The game has changed and the roleplay adapts.

I won't delve much into the roleplay that I personally follow but it can be found here as are several links below it. Just have a thought for a second, I was in another faction first, like many other marauders, am I just meant to suddenly start roleplaying that I was left behind in another land and hate the people who deserted me? Sounds stupid to me.


To expand on my views of a "nation", one which no one has actually even attempted to properly speak against even though choosing to openly dismiss it. The marauders are an organisation, we are NOT a nation. We are actually, a multi-national organization. Although we may not like the governments that run those particular nations we are still bound to the nations through many particular ties. If you disagree feel free to state reasons why, but stop dismissing this without actually thinking about it.




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