
Tryker meeting 13th October, 2014

[OOC] Dear players,
 The Animation Team must intervene on this delicate matter to remind you of some essential elements:
 Importance of mutual respect
 RP and non-RP players share the same server. Certainly there approach of the game is different, but this is not an unsurmountable problem if everyone makes ​​an effort. When a matter of concern presents itself, if you do not find a solution by talking quietly together, then we advise you to turn to a mediator. In this case, the Animation Team can be called first, since this problem has to do with a role play event.
 What is a RP event?
 It is an event in which players play the role of their character, both consistently and in compliance with the Lore of Ryzom. In this type of event, friendships between players should not be taken into account: this is the game's story, and the experiences of the characters dictate their conduct.
 What is an non-RP event?
 This is an event that is not bound to the coherence of the story or the characters lives and experiences. A non-RP event is above all a good time shared by all players who want nothing but to have fun together. During such an event, the game's story and the experiences of the characters are of no importance. Only the feel of the moment matters.
 Intrusion in an out of roleplay (HRP/OCC) manner in a roleplay event (RP/IC) is equally as condemnable as disrespectful roleplay at a non-roleplay event .
 What is an assembly and what is the scope of its decisions?
 Each nation is represented by assemblies consisting of players and led by an animator. These assemblies meet regularly and may issue "laws" on their territory. These "laws" are often offered by the players themselves but must be approved by the animator (which refers to the Animation Team), as a safeguard and assurance of compliance with the Lore.  A meeting is a RP event. Its "laws" have a roleplay effect.

 What can we learn about the Marauders from the Lore?
 During the first Swarm (long before the time of your characters), many homins, helped by the Powers were able to flee the Old Lands and create Nations in the New Lands. The remaining homins stuck on the Old Lands survived with difficulty amidst the kitins. A homin, Melkiar united them under the name Marauders; to them and to Melkiar, the homins of the New Lands and the Powers had abandoned them to the claws of the kitins. That is why they are eager for revenge and vengeance.

The Marauders from the Old Lands have recruited angry homins in the New Lands and have indoctrinated them to serve their plans. Among these new Marauders, one can not only find idealists who really believe in Melkiar words, but also opportunists who seek to take advantage of their power and their technology. They also harbor in their midst people who are researched by the law, therefore avoiding prison and having a way to give free rein to their violent impulses.( [u]http://atys.ryzom.com/projects/puben/wiki/L_Marauder_Civilizat ion[/u]
http://app.ryzom.com/app_lore/index.php?page=/projects/puben/wiki /L_Marauder )
Roleplaywise, the Marauders of the New Lands are not nice guys but, on the contrary, are the villains of the story, agitators, and criminals. It is possible that amongst the Marauders, some have expressed doubts and have a different point of view, but the Marauders are seen by the homins of the Nations as villains. They are bandits who are unwelcome who will be chased with pikes when they are identified.

This RP view is also supported by the gameplay which requires every Marauder to be hated by every nation and religion (very negative reputation) and then to kill six Homins before advancing in his rite to be accepted as a Marauder in the New Lands.
 Marauders and Tryker market
  In this RP context, a Nation (here the Tryker nation) creating laws stating that the Marauders are unwelcome on their land and that if they come to market (a RP event), they will be hunted, is legitimate, logical, and consistent.
Also such a RP context, the fact that the Marauders are not interested in or violate the laws of a Nation they do not recognize is legitimate, logical and consistent.
 Therefore, if the Marauders come on Fair Haven's market despite the ban, it is normal that the guards try to chase or to kill them, and it also is consistent that the merchants refuse to sell anything (unless doing so under duress ...).
Specifically, nothing in the gameplay prohibits Marauder players from coming to market; we will however be asking the players to respect the roleplaying side of the event, and not to disrupt it by harassing via PVP (as opposed to possibly exchanging a few words, fighting a little, then leaving).
 What about the right to play as you want and where you want?
 Again, it is a matter of respect. The freedom of one person ends where someone else's freedom begins. Marauder players have the right to participate in a market, whether it is for gameplay reasons or roleplay reasons. Having the Marauders do some short RP raids on the market in retaliation would be reasonable, but having the battle shift onto the non-roleplay level and become a verbal battle between players, escalating to exclusion of players from a future non-roleplay event is not. That would be the beginning of an escalation  endless and harmful to all.
Why not, for example, enjoy the Black Market in Darkmoor that is intended to be HRP and therefore open to all? Or prepare a RP "Mister Marauder" event, excluding any non-participant marauder?
 What if the conflict does not abate?
If, despite this, things continue to go wrong, the Support Team is here to advise and enforce the proper rules of courtesy. If there are problems, it may have to impose sanctions ranging from a warning to a permanent ban, based on the previous record of the player.
Code of Conduct: Courtesy in the game
1. Harassment of any kind is forbidden.
2. You may not hinder another player during his play.
3. You must maintain respectful behavior toward other players and Customer Service Representative.
6. You may not hide behind roleplay to justify courtesy rule transgession.
 We hope this information will help you.
 And do not forget that Ryzom is a game! [/OOC]


Ryzom Team Manager
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