
Tryker meeting 13th October, 2014

[OC] (Jazzy I understand that you are looking at this from a RP point of view. I spoke to you about it and tried to change your mind from a non-RP stance, for many non-RP reasons, but I saw that this was not possible. So, this time, I am trying to change the decision made by the Tryker Government using RP. I know I don't RP all the time, in fact I know only a small handfull of players who always RP. I even respect it when others want to RP (by attacking them) and when they don't want to RP (as you know when I don't attack you when you are training). I believe I have the right to try and change the governments decision through RP and I will try to do that. I know you respect others and I respect you. Also here is the link to the FTA.[OC]

As a homin, who is bound to a nation through his ancestry, poorly spoken langauge and history, I am entitled to the FTA. Marauders are not a nation. We are a multi-national organisation. As such we still belong to the original nations we were in before we took up the title "Marauder". We are anti-government.

If the Tryker Government continue with their path to break the FTA, I shall have no choice but to call forward the commission. Given the current bias circumstances against Marauders, I will have to call a special hearing, more details will be given later if this is the case. I hope we do not have to go down this path. Most of all, I hope the Tryker Government keeps to binding agreement that their ancestors signed up to in the year of 2516.



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