
Tryker meeting 13th October, 2014

This isn't an RP event, this is homins selling their stuff and having fun.
It's meant to be a party and if they don't trust ppl then ask them to come tagged and unarmed, so if a mara would equip a sword the tryker army can kill them. (so far for freedom)

I myself am bussy with real life atm but should have time again december at earliest probably januari. If I'll do events again I'll do same as Lilz does and write down the names of the homins I don't wanna see there. I've always done 'light RP' events with the idea everyone wants to have fun and party. But if some homins don't want me at their 'light RP' events that have nothing to do with alignment then I don't wanna see those at mine either. 

Like I say if an event is alignment based you won't see me react like this. But in past we where formally invited to fairhaven fairs we never did something wrong at them on ari and now we are banned and they even wana add more guards so we can't show up. Well thats just stupid. All they wanna do is alianate one group even more.


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