
Tryker meeting 13th October, 2014

Binarabi (atys)
OOC event team just let the Taliar vote - they do not manipulate anything - and cannot do anything against a 4 to 1 vote in favour of banning Mara, and, as I said, Aniro homins do not have same idea of community as we did on Aris

In end just allowing the vote is bad enough. Mara where always really welcome at fairhaven fairs on aristople. Think I bought a booth probably everytime just for fun and quircy stuff rember having the whole guild digging me campfire mats to GIVE out at the fair, doing gambling booths with Ghuiss, Selling fireworks for less then the npc once, ....
If mara would have been allowed then chances on an pvp war would be less there and everyone could enjoy a nice fairhaven fair (where ppl might actually learn to know each other)

Well in end ryzom was seen as a friendly community now ppl are forcing it into a totally unfriendly community and hiding behind RP all the time.

Seems all the taliari want is mara coming to att them so they can point fingers again to show mara always want to wage wars (while it's the taliari asking for a war, then hiding behind extr guards). 
Banning a group of players from an event they where allowed to join in the past (actually we where invited to them and pre merger I was even asked at one to help with my ideas as a mara) is just sad and shows how childish this merged server is.

If the event team want to get events in future where certain homins are banned from coming because the event organiser was banned on one of their events then they are perfectly on track. Stuff like this is not good for the game. But I can understand Lilz perfectly. 
Then we'll end up with 2-3 Mister Atys elections with stupid titles like: 'Elected Mister Atys without Taliari invted' and 'Elected Mister Atys without mara invited' and so on. If it's this kind of childish stuff the community wants then go for it. The fair has always been a 'light RP' event where everyone was welcome banning ppl now from these is just sad. (I can understand some ppl not being allowed at heavy RP story events)

Then again event team neglected mara since the building of the camp was finished on ari and maybe they allowed the vote just to aliante them more so more homins leave mara even so they have to do even less for them? Who knows? 


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