
Tryker meeting 13th October, 2014

Copy of meeting on Tryker forums
Present at the meeting (alphabetical order):
  • Aerie
  • Governor: Ailan Mac'Kean.
  • Alco
  • Beryl
  • Taliar & GL GoS: Binarabi.
  • Taliar & GL of FS Chanchey
  • Chenli
  • Denrak
  • Eto
  • Fyros Akenak: Icus
  • Commandor of the Tryker Army: Jazzy
  • Khalaoden
  • Translater: Krill.
  • Locian Wyler
  • Luminatrix
  • Lyliandra
  • Mallo
  • Najma
  • Taliar and GL of SA Meagon
  • New Refugee: Miryai
  • Theocracy: Mjollren
  • Ranger: Naema
  • Sagen
  • Seternulon
  • New Refugee: Tavi
  • Tylaikna.
  • Ozwomen
The Tryker Governor Nair- Ailan Mac'Kean began the meeting with the agenda:
1 Nizyros trial
2 tryker fair
3 towns banner
4 Flyners experiments
5 matis kitin study group
6 water or beer road
7 Miss and Mister Atys
and... free drink at the bar!

1 Nizyros trial    
The marauder traitor Nizyros will be judged in a few days, in Fairhaven on Saturday 18th October, 21:15 CEST.
The jury will include three Trykers, one kara follower, one kami follower, and one neutral (3 players) and will be lead by a federal judge (played by Event Team)
It will be a public trail but will occur under heavy guard. Of course we invite ambassadors from other nations to attend
Please read the public announcement (Events Forum) for more details
The trial should not take very long as Nizyros has surrendered so the trial is just a formality
The AFU will ensure the security during the trial

2      The Tryker fair
During this discussion Aerie raised an issue not on the agenda - that all outposts in the Lakes should be Tryker (*1)

There are 10 booths. Although it is a Tryker Fair, guilds from other regions are invited to hire a booth but Marauders (*2) are banned by overwhelming vote of the Taliar, they can neither attend to buy any items nor hold a booth to sell any items, in fact the guards will probably be reinforced to ensure they are allowed no where near the fair

There will be a public announcement of the Fair and a possible date is Sunday 26th November - it will be an all-day event and guilds and independent homins are invited to submit a request for a stall (izam mail to Binarabi) and to pledge 5% of their takings of the Day to Jazzy for the support of the Tryker Guards (payable at the end of the day)

Homins/guilds will be asked to submit their request for a stall 2 weeks before the event
It is hoped that Fireworks can be arranged via Padger of the Beachcombers Guild

A special notice board will be used in Fairhaven showing who is selling what and there is a possibility that a notice will be put in the major cities in the Zora, Matis and Fyros lands.

(*2)Makan and Aerie agreed with Icus who spoke against mara using the market, citing dirty money and their antipathy towards them as well as their fear of loosing long held traditions. Jazzy firmly said if he saw a maurader in the Lakes he would kill them
In the vote on whether we were "for" or "against" hiring out stalls to non-tryker guilds, except for marauder guilds, Aerie, Eto, Chanchey voted for, with Meagon accidently voting against and later correcting this and Binarabi voting against refusing to allow the mauraders to have a stall. When asked if maruaders would be allowed to shop there - Eto responded that he would reinforce the guards to refuse them this opportunity and Jazzy complained that maraurders use poor trykers to gain money

(*1) Not on the agenda:
The meeting then returned to an item not on the agenda - Nair-Aeri hopes of tryker outposts all being under the Tryker banner with, especially, their mats sold on the Lakes market. Locian Wyler stated that Trykers are free and their underground resoucres should not be under the management of non-Trykers. Regardless of religion all ops should be under Tryker management and the resources shared with Trykers, as well as their religious alliance and that these ops would have a Tryker banner flying in the outpost to show it is a Federation outpost

Binarabi stated that as owner of Fount Porch Trade Post - she had a guildie who gives out greslin piks - but she had never asked the Kami Alliance if this is okay, perhaps she should, and also offer piks in the Tryker Channel. She also stated that a Tryker war against a Fyros guild would be very difficult and possibly a waste of money , thinking of Loria Stronghold.
It was suggested that Binarabi ask for ownershhip of Loria Stronghold but she thought it highly unlikely the Kami would grant ownership and also unlikely that they would agree to the sharing of op mats with those Trykers in the Federation. The Greenvale Outpost was also mentioned.

At the end of the meeting Aeerie agreed to write separatly on this topic and Binarabi agreed to write about the Tryker Fair and the minutes of the meeting

6 Water or beer road

Ailan Mac'Kean asked if anyone had heard about the water or beer road, Jazzy confirmed that he was contacting Nair-Lerya

5 The study of the kitin

Nair-Ambassador Alco stated that the Matis Kingdom has decided to create a study college for the caged kitin made of made of five matis, two zoraîs, two trykers, and one consulting ranger and they want names of the Trykers who would like to volunteer for this project

Meeting ended 23.30 UTC, next Assembly in Fairhaven, Frogmore Place, will take place towards the end of October, 10:00 pm CST, hence 8:00 pm UTC
Matters arising from last meeting (Nizyros trial, progress of Tryker Fair) and the following:
1 Discussion regarding Guardians of Shadows and its marauders members
2 Town banner
3 Flyners experiments
4 Water or beer road
5 Miss and Mister Atys

If you want to add anything to the agenda please reply to this posting. Separate posts will also be set up for various matters arising


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)
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