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[COMMENT] Craft Recipe Book: Categorized ingrident lists

Sasi (Arispotle)
I keep my recipes safely on my own computer, in text files, and haven't bothered with any of the new whizbang in-game gadgets for the same purpose.
That's what I did too at first, but it was really complicated to keep track of them this way. I started to add the ingame preview as small comment and ended up with textfiles in this form:

Basic Najab Bones + Choice Buo Fiber + Excellent Zun Amber (83% Magic, DUR 29%, SAP 74%)
Fine Najab Bones + Basic Dzao Fiber + Excellent Zun Amber (83% Magic, DUR 32%, SAP 67%)
Fine Najab Bones + 4 Fine Buo Fiber & 1 Basic Mat + Excellent Zun Amber (83% Magic, DUR 26+%, SAP 71+%)

Which was not too bad, but still not very flexible. That's where the idea came from to start a project to solve this matter. I personally use it to store and manage all of my recipes, it's very convenient to me like a pdf reader / creator.

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Last visit Sunday, 8 September 01:27:51 UTC

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