Fédération garde dans Lakelands

Seralee (atys)
Shvet (atys)
.... After talking with subox, i knew that this problems arrise due to some player was attacking taged kara/kami when they are afk. thats why whole mara is blamed for this.
I want to ask only one Question to them: are happy killing those player who are in afk? is this what you call yourself as a great whatever you tink yourself...

The event guards did not get spawned for any which afk-killing in Fairhaven, they got spawned because we (Syndicate) gatecrashed the Tryker Assembly in Avendale ... we attacked 1 tagged up player, who first attacked us .. but we made peace again and left the assembly, then the assembly itself decided to tag up and fight us, while we were leaving, which was fine, we had a lot of fun (actually all of us, you can ask Jazzy, they all tagged up AFTER we were leaving, so they wanted to fight) until the event guards got spawned, which were totally overpowered and far too many for a 5 mara team. But anyway, THATS why they got spawned.

Shvet (atys)
I am not taking anyones side here (niether tryker not mara ) but you are the one who make mara in game to kill other race and you are the one who banned them in city.

You blame quite a lot for to say you are not taking sides ... and let me tell you this .. if such a kill does take place, its usually personal (from both sides), which means there has been history .. and in case of a lot of kamis it is usually that they themselves like to sneak into our camp .. and kill us afk at the stables. An eye for an eye, no? And are we really to blame that you judge a book by its cover and say "one Mara does this, so all Mara are bad" ?

Well anyway, all of that aside, cause it doesnt really belong in this thread, I am sure we can find a solution at some point, but until then, rest assured that Tryker is safe. No marauders (i.e. marauder players) in your cities anymore .. i am sure you are all very happy about that :-)

Sera :-)


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)
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