Fédération garde dans Lakelands

I am going to copy paste this discussion - it is time that we just had 1 multilingual forum so we can discuss/rage with each other properly

Je vais copier la pâte cette discussion - c'est le temps que nous avions juste(venions juste d'avoir) 1 forum multilingue donc nous pouvons discuter/faire rage avec l'un l'autre correctement

Dear friends, foes and event team :-)

Sorry to bother you here, but couldnt really find any other place to post/ask this ...

Could the event guards in tryker please be despawned?

No, this is not so we can all have our Subox back .. this is because we (marauders) do still wanna play and try (given it really aint easy) to actually bring more marauders to the game, believe it or not .. Unfortunately, the event guards in fairhaven make it impossible to actually turn marauder .. because the npc for droping the fame is in the centre of the city and all the event guards get agro at -40, to take marauder rite we need at least -42 though ... so not only do these guards keep us out of the cities (which a lot of trykers are happy about, i know) but it does prevent us from making our friends marauder too .. which in the end will what? .. make us take the same path as Subox, i guess .. which would be sad for the game, i think.

Bestest regards,
Sera :-)


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)
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