
Translating Ryzom to a new language

Wow that's a huge task you've loaded onto yourself, so brace for what's still to come ;-)

first of all:
the Turkish file should be named tr.uxt
and setting in the client.cfg for language should be tr as well

there are other files in the client needed for a complete translation
  • some html-files for the help
  • yyyyyy_words_xx.txt (where yyyyyy is oneof the following: creature, faction, item, outpost, place, sbrick, skill, sphrase, title)
  • r2_xx.uxt (no longer used, were for the ring)

as Suboxide mentioned some texts are saved on the server - not only the AARC things but others as well

and last but not least:
You shouldn't use libreoffice to edit the uxt-files as neither writer nor calc are designed to cope with them (the yyyyyy_words_xx.txt files can be opened as a CSV file though)
Seeing that you're using fedora: try vim, emacs or gedit (or if you'd like to have a click-able UI most IDEs should be OK as well) the uxt-files are encoded as utf-8 and the .txt ones are UCS-2 LE (Unicode as well but 16 bit instead of 8)
Oh, and the people on #ryzom know probably a lot more about the best tools to edit the files than the ones in #ryzomsupport


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Last visit Tuesday, 28 January 19:14:38 UTC

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