
Translating Ryzom to a new language

Deles silam folks,

I've been playing for a good month now and have some basic knowledge of Atys. I also happen to speak another language and was thinking about translating Ryzom. I think the necessary work will be important and success is anything but guaranteed but I nevertheless popped on #ryzomsupport and asked a few questions. Glorf and kervala kindly provided the en.uxt and fr.uxt files and I've been kind of playing with them. On Fedora 19 setting the UI language to French and moving fr.uxt in the ryzom/user/ folder shows the translation in game without needing to compile anything.

So that's the current status of things. What I would like to know, in no particular order, is the following:

  • Would translating the en.uxt or fr.uxt file be enough or is there some hidden surprise somewhere? I'm asking that because I couldn't find some very basic words like "suckling yubo" in the .uxt file. Some server side stuff maybe?
  • Is the file I'm planning to work on under a free software license? Unless there's a good reason I would largely prefer that my work be licensed under GNU AGPL like Ryzom.
  • The target language is Turkish. So if by chance Turkish speaking folks are reading this, I'd be more than happy to cooperate. Also, if someone who worked on a previous translation could share his or her experience, that would be great.
  • Right now, my workflow is pretty... unusual. Normally I work with poedit, Qt Linguist and OmegaT but the as the uxt files are in fact raw text files, I just opened them in LibreOffice with a monospaced font. The added bonus compared to a text editor? Turkish spellchecker. But if there's a better method I'd obviously be more than interested.
  • Finally, what is your advice and the errors that must be avoided?

Thanks for reading this and all the best.
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Last visit Wednesday, 15 January 16:11:35 UTC

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