Lets increase the markup at wich items can be sold

please see the bulk upgrade ideas, they are for storage issues fixes, but since after request's for years for features like that, we've found work-arounds. give us one or both of those and suddenly there's no need to use the merchants as storage system.

there's a mis-match in the server/client codes that is subject to use by those that know basic features of ALL OS's since the days of the first unix systems. i'll not go into this here, it's not the place for it, but anyone with a little time doing any editing of text know the keyboard shortcuts to do it. the server allows 99999%, it's wrote in the code that way, the client is mis-matched and only allows 9999%, it's been reported in the past by several players, and has not been fixed, other "bugs" like this one that have not been fixed over the years have become "undocumented features" (is a direct quote of a CSR describing these long unfixed bug's)

i don't want to get off topic, but would like to say that some of these "undocumented features" lead people to make false claims, they do this without proper knowledge of things that have always been intended, some of these are for RP use and/or events.

anyway, there's no harm to the market system for anyone to use the higher sale price, if a homin is willing to knowingly buy something so expensive, they are making a choice to do so, as i'm sure no one is there in real life with a gun forcing them to do so.

(this post as well as other's i'm working on are related to some slightly extream punishments for what's been considered another of the "undocumented features" in the past.)

also like to say sorry for my slightly off-topic wandering, sometimes i tend to do that.

here are links to the ideas i spoke of, notice the strong feelings in favor of these ideas based on the poll results please, the numbers should speak for themselves.

guild hall bulk upgrade

apartment bulk upgrade


Remickla (atys)
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