Lets increase the markup at wich items can be sold

Today some ppl I know got banned for 3 days for 'exploiting' a bug in the game client that lets em sell item's upto 99999% not 9999%
I won't disclose here how the bug works; since that would be bannable aswell. 
As this bug was how it looks actually intended to be ingame but the game client is mis configured from what I understand (even heard on linux you can fix it so the client allows 5 9's without using the bug)

Atm the traders in this game are never used, nobody will ever sell sup q250 maga amps for 9999% markup, even for most mats it's way to low and they get bought if you sell em on a hawker and tp to town to store em an hour later ppl might have bought em already at 4 9s.

Why not fix this bug or allow ppl to sell at 5 9s markup? That way it would be possible to ask a couple of milion for the sup q250 crafted gear and it might boost the use of the markets. It's still free you aren't forced to buy something for 2mil if you don't want to but you get the option.

If fixing the client isn't an option why don't make the bug public as a hidden feature? So ppl can use it and sell their good stuff on the traders. On the old server i've bought stuff for 20mil and more when I needed it and it was nice. Now with prizes changedeven with 5 9s you'll be max at 2mil or so wich isn't to much.

Yes ppl will abuse it for storage but then again didn't ppl already do that anyway?


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