Web Apps

forum Bug

Hi Drega,

Firstly, let's make sure we are talking about the same thing. In my view, the "forums" webapp is a place for several "forums" or "forii" if you will ;) When I say you should not post bugs in this forum, I meant the "Forum bugs" forum (or subforum or section) only. You are free to post bugs and discuss bugs in the General forum or whatever.

Now, about why the "Forum Bugs..." forum is not the correct place for game bugs:

The "Forum Bugs..." forum was especially made for comments on the webapps, as this was a new addition to the game and we wanted to give you a place to put ideas and feature requests, and report bugs to the volunteer developers so that they could quickly look at them (they don't all have access to the ticket system.) However the forum was starting to be misused to report and discuss game bugs.

As it is very difficult to track bugreports if they not centrally located, that was not a good development. We have the in-game ticket system to report game bugs, and this remains the best way to report an issue you have.

Of course you are free to discuss bugs in other forums, but only with the location.

To restate: please do not report bugs on the forums, but only through the in-game ticket system. If you are unsure if a bug has been reported or not, check with a CSR in game or CeB first.


Sywindt | Game Master | EN, NL, de, fr
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Last visit Sunday, 8 September 02:50:19 UTC

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