Missing Bosses

There are lots of bosses listed as missing on the Ryzom wiki. My idea is to make use of these bosses. Ideally, new bosses for each region could be created, too, so as to create a larger, and more diverse, pool of bosses that could possibly spawn for each region. This pool could be added to gradually. So to begin with the pool would consist of only those bosses that are listed as missing. However, over time, we could end up with 1-3 bosses for each region that are in the pool and available for selection. Obviously puzzle bosses would be exempt. This would also allow for new bosses such as a Yuba and Fripo! Who doesn't want see a lv270 Yubo boss? Make hunting more fun and frustrating, and allow for new recipes.

My idea is that after each boss is looted a random number generator decides if the boss will spawn again. If not, a relevant boss is selected from the pool of missing bosses. For example, Kirokya dies and is looted, but is replaced for the next spawn by Gubakya. There could be a slight bias towards favouring a boss staying active rather than being replaced.

The same idea could be used for named. Though with a far greater bias for the named mob staying active.

This could just be FAR too much work to introduce. So a compromise could be that, if possible, this swapping about of bosses/named is done during planned reboots. It may be possible to quickly manually change few bosses/named about at these times. Again this might be too much work, but one can dream of a Yubakoo :)


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