Town Crier Proposal

Do not missunderstand me I liked the information board idea in the past and still think it would bring some extra news to new players like basic info who rules, who are the asembly, who to contact for info, upcoming events, some small lore (no dates or impossible names), political news, .... 
The thing is adding something to towns will have to go trough the assembly's is my guess and getting all 4 lands and all 12 asembly's (my guess) to agree on is gonna be alot of work.

We do have city welcomers so why give the town  crier a whole new name? In the end it would lead to confusion, I would go for something simple as City Crier or something so new players now what to expect.

About him shouting, wel if he does that stables like the ones at FH will never have ppl sitting there and chatting. Last night somebody was playing piano with FH guards at the stables and I actually ported someplace else since it is anoying and interupting when you are chatting with somebody. And well if he can't yell in around he's gonna be hard to notice to ppl in the end so I would then again go for a big information board.


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