Recent updates to New Horizons.

As some of you may already be aware, there has been an update to the product hand in for the New Horizons Transport System.

There were some issues with the new update, but these have now been resolved.

The update has 3 new features:
  • It is now possible to hand in your desired amount or the entire remaining allowance for the current 24hr period at once, and receive the appropriate rewards.
  • Failure prevention has been greatly increased. The end result being that a player should never lose their products and not receive their reward.
  • The currency reward given will now show precisely what you have received in system info. This message will only show if the rewards were successfully granted.
Handing in products one at a time was tedious, and we are very happy to implement this much requested feature.

A close eye will be kept on NH hand-ins should there be any bumps. We also welcome your feedback on the updates.


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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 15:30:33 UTC

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