Town Crier Proposal

What is a Town Crier?
A person employed to make public announcements in the streets or marketplace of a town.

Who do they work for?
Town Criers will work for the Events team and be representatives of each Nation.

What do we call them?
We can call them Oyez.

Where do we put them?
Oyez will stand in every town, preferably on a pedestal in the center of the marketplace, where they can be easily found.

What will a Town Crier do?
Oyez will work as an anchorman for weekly news: a source of information and entertainment, a historical news broadcaster, where players can interact with Oyez to read of current events in game.

Each event is different, each cry is different; a cry that best suits the purpose of a gathering and truly welcomes those attending. A good cry is no more than 125 words in length, a good cry contains points of history or background that is not generally known, a good cry contains elements of humour - it is a bit of humour that everyone hearing the cry will appreciate. A good cry contains the correct phrases.

Every Oyez needs a signaling device. Generally a bell is used to begin a gathering call and greeting, but for this purpose, a crier will be a permanent presence where they stand, and only a player's approximation to the NPC should trigger the criers gathering call, a written announcement that gets a player's attention and encourages interaction with the NPC.

Each crier ends with a final line in relations to their official representation of the Nation such as "...and may Ma-Duk Bless the Dynasty!." or "...Jena Save the King!" etc...

Now, a crier won't only announce upcoming events, but also provide information on what happened at events, so that players are well informed on what is happening with events in their town/nations.

This is just something I've been thinking about, it doesn't hurt to put the idea out to encourage discussion, and possibly generate even better ideas that will improve how events can be communicated to players. Mainly because I think the current method is not fully working, while we can find information when events are being held, there is very little follow up regarding the outcome of events.

Another I idea I've been mulling over is gathering volunteers to start our very own Ryzom Town Crier News, one that will work with the events team and help spread the news regarding events. The one obstacle I find is that while we may very well post information on the forums, not everyone bothers to read the forums, so I toss in the idea of a permanent Town Crier NPC as a much better option.
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