
Ingame stuff changed again (for the good), not patch notes?

Just saw you can now turn in more then 1 item at a time to the new horizons wich is great just doing 2 delivery's of 18mats at a time makes it fast and doesn't make your brain melt out of boredom anymore.

But why do we need to find out these things ourself? Why isn't there any pride from the devs/owners/... that they give us some patchnotes. It would show you are activly developing the game and if we the players see these small patches being added we would have an idea where you work on and such.

Allowing us to drop 18mats at a time into the new horizon npc is a big deal for alot I guess had lots in guildchat say wow if that's true I start with NH again was to boring in past and such.

So be proud let us know when you change something about the game!


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Last visit Thursday, 30 January 03:28:18 UTC

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