Talking about lurking...

Gidget (atys)
Yes, paranoid; if it were prudent caution then you would suggest measures that actually enhanced security. No alterations to Megacorp will cover for shortcomings in the recruiting practices of guilds, but likewise, if guildies cannot trust each other (including their new recruits) then what is the point of having guilds in the first place? While such "Online" indicators would enhance the overall chat (whether in-game or via Megacorp), I don't see them doing anything for security.

Despite what I've written, I personally have no issue with Megacorp as it is and I actually helped push for the /a showOnline option.

Gidget actually points to the crux of the issue: Trust. Guilds that recruit every homin without a second thought (as most guilds tend to do) will always be prone to spies. Spies that earn the trust of a guild before joining will always find ways to spy on their "enemy." So, while knowing your recruits well will prevent the casual spies, those who are determined will earn your trust and join your guild anyway.

That said, spying is a valid aspect of the game. Can you imagine a world like Atys without spying?

I don't exactly like what happened with Asylum but what happened is exactly what I would expect: Marauders infiltrated a well known and powerful guild. They seduced members of the guild into believing Marauder history. When they had enough movement, they broke the guild—whether breaking the guild was the intent or not is irrelevant. Perfect Marauder tactic. I've seen Karavan do similar things over the last 10 years. Kami spies tend to sit in the background and soak up all the information they can.

Spying, real spying, tends to break things when finally revealed. Why? Spying requires lying, simple as that.


An'Zhanto, Jeweler
Blessed by Ma-Duk
Guardian of the Theocracy
Eldest, Order of the White Lotus Guild Info
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