Talking about lurking...

Emilie (atys)
I don't think spies are the whole issue here.

Sometimes people are watching on their phones because they can't play at the time. Sometimes they talk and sometimes not.

Yes, some of us like to check in during breaks at work.

I don't like the implication that I am a spy/mole for doing so though, and I fail to see how Megacorp really makes matters worse when it's possible to just run multiple clients and set flags. Mole alts exist whether you see them or not, so unless there is also a way to track by address to see who is an alt for who by seeing which toons run from the same physical location (MAC address wouldn't catch those who use multiple systems), this really wouldn't help from a guild security standpoint.

That said, when I'm at work, I am minorly annoyed by not being able to see which of my guildies are on, or see when they come and go. So I think such an indicator would be a good idea, but not for the reasons some of the paranoid people here think.

Yes, paranoid; if it were prudent caution then you would suggest measures that actually enhanced security. No alterations to Megacorp will cover for shortcomings in the recruiting practices of guilds, but likewise, if guildies cannot trust each other (including their new recruits) then what is the point of having guilds in the first place? While such "Online" indicators would enhance the overall chat (whether in-game or via Megacorp), I don't see them doing anything for security.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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