Balance in OP battles - a proposal

Really? Have had this debate pop-up every few months for the past yearSSS. Make your faction attractive be nice to ppl do player events make it a fun experience.... No idea what guild or faction you talking for not played in months myself. But why would you wanna kill the fun for most ppl just you can win an op. Ryzom is a planet if you attack my friend I will help them all you would end up with is ppl agro dragging heal soaking.... Limiting Ops would just end in bigger factions less dedicated to pvp to loose to small factions that just boost players and instead of helping the community just pvp all the time.

To each it's own but I propose then that factions with less then 50 active players can't declare on an op because it's no fun for a big faction to fight against 8players and 8 alts that show for 3 rounds and then leave.


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Last visit Friday, 20 September 06:45:56 UTC

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