Ranger Training NPC [Zora]

Perla -- I agree. Either an ooc text at the npc, or at least a statement in the forums would do.

Virg -- As it stands now and as Perla described in the first post, you must *not* be nation-aligned (required +30 fame with everyone, whereas alignment caps one fame to 0). Also, you are allowed to be aligned with the Powers - but you must work hard to reverse the -50 you get with the opposite Power when you align and get that fame to 0.

The event npcs (Wilk Potskin, etc) have said in the past that the faction has no problem working with marauders, should there be a wish on your part; I assume that means RP and in actual events. However, the npc dedicated to joining Rangers has no business with a marauder.

Talk -- I believe the requirements are well-made, precisely because the nation roleplay requires you to dislike/hate one or two other nations. You're a matis citizen? Then your dislike of the unwashed savages known as "fyros" makes you very uneasy trying to save them .. or collaborate with them .. or even talk to them. Also, you are not fully comfortable working with zorais who worship that impostor god, ma-duck.

I am not sure where you read that rangers are fully neutral. Judging from the organization's behavior, they are trying to be a unifying factor, hence why they ask you to leave nation preference at the door and work with all of them instead. They already lowered fame requirements once (I think it was +20 with the powers, then the event person figured maybe 3 persons were able to join :D), if they lower them any more they will just be a catch-all organization with no distinguishing features.

That's the point, homins can now show exactly who they trust: their own government, the rangers, or no one.


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