Ranger Training NPC [Zora]

Bitttymacod (atys)
Perla -- rather than programming the NPC to give ooc information, I would rather that the event team posted the words of the trainer in the Forums and add the ooc information there. If I had not been on vacation, and thus forced to miss the meeting, I would have put it up in one of my usual posts.

Keeping notes on the forum of said meeting is a great idea, and it seems you were needed to do the task since nobody else (me included) thought to do so. But as I am finding out not everyone bothers to read the forum, and it still doesn't solve the topic - which is not having the accurate information when selecting the NPC to do the training. I don't think it will be poor taste or interrupt roleplay to add a simple message that informs the player of the fame they need to start the training. Even adding a simple information bulletin board like we have next to trainers in Silan will work just the same.

@Virg: The Rangers of Atys seem to be at the front of this task, and are now training homins to become Rangers and join their organization. As I understand it was the Rangers that help save hominity with their battle plans, and convinced the Kamis, the Karavans, the Nations and the Trytonist to collaborate and work together during the Second Great Swarming - I haven't read nor found any information that will shed some light on how the Marauders as an organization help fight back the Kitins or had any influence on the tactics used during the Second Great Swarming. The Rangers of Atys mission is to help homins live in peace without division and from the threat of Atys greatest foe, Kitins. I believe in their mission for hominkind and I also believe “That no single race has a monopoly on ignorance and no single race is the “one, true and only” child of Atys. We are all homins and the children of Atys.” (quote by Rhaenaan - The Eye of Atys guild).

In order for the Rangers to be able to work as an organization with the four nations and the two super powers they must have some fame with them. At least this is how it was explained to me when I asked why Rangers need fame. As far as I know Marauders are not a nation or a super power but another organization - though I can see how Trytonist (as a secret organization) can infiltrate the Marauder organization - I don't see how Rangers can work with Marauders considering their strict fame requirements. (In theory as roleplayers we can work together but that would be player driven and organized.)
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