Ranger Training NPC [Zora]

Firstly I would like to point out that people with above 0 fame in each nation are not well regarded by all.

The rangers are too proud and too arrogant to assume they can remove the kitin threat with just people who have 0 fame with each nation. I see by the fact the Ranger won't talk to me shows once again they have already separated themselves from the marauders. It won't be long before the next Kitin swarming and we shall see the great rangers running for the hills again. Let me remind you all who stayed behind and who survived the kitins, rather than fleeing like cowards.

The ranger's number one priority should be to fight the Kitins. This means this should take priority over everything else. If it is anything other than this then they will be just as useless as the governments that run the 4 nations.



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Last visit Friday, 20 September 06:35:33 UTC

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