Talking about lurking...

There should be a timeout forcing people to relog into Megacorp, or even a permission level to view guild chat via Megacorp

Simple example, I am in guild ONE, log into Megacorp, leave guild ONE.
Join guild TWO, login to Megacorp in another browser, leave guild TWO.
Join guild THREE, login to Megacorp in another browser and YAY!

Now i can see guild chat for three different guilds. Being that I am a linux user and reboot about every two years i can leave those megacorp tabs open, as long as i don't have to relog into Megacorp i'm golden.

+1 for the idea

Megacorp is a great idea and i love it, would be wonderful to plugs these holes so I can continue to use it.




I don't wanna die without scars
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