Talking about lurking...

So, its been a while now and most of us use Megacorp regularly to keep in touch with Guild.

The concern I raise is one which a lot of people have also voiced to me too when discussing Megacorp. Namely: we do not know who is reading the Guild chat out of the players in the Guild list.

So the proposal and idea is really simple and comes from someone who doesn't particularly understand what would be involved in implementing it if at all:

- Just like we have an indication of Online players in the game under the Guild Info window, can we have another column for the indication of Online players in Megacorp
- Failing the above, an indication of online Guild players in the external Megacorp website

This is more than paranoia - its creating an environment of doubting new players who, in my Guild, we spend a lot of time and effort with to integrate into the game for them to turn out to be alt "spies".

Is this idea at all possible to implement? And do you all agree it is fast becoming an issue in game?


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