Balance at op fights

Elvanae (atys)
Clearly the Kami were able to work better in cohesion than the Karavan having retained their French and German players and since the merge there have been a lot of shift in guilds and in factions of numerous players resulting in a decline of Karavan players. At the end of the day, your paying money to play something which gives you enjoyment. If that enjoyment is not there of course you have every right to rectify that in any way you see fit. Clearly in the early days of the merger, the Karavan struggled to unify and address their concerns with eachother. Thus, here we are continuing to lose members to other factions. That is probably, one of the main, if not the main reason for the inbalance in my opinion.

I guess the phenomenon is not unknown to all the old servers. But probably it was most extreme on Leanon. The exodus of the Karavaneer already began there during the Temple Wars, when there were much more Kamists than Karavaneer (you got the religion with your choice of race and could not change it back then), and the less the Karavaneer got even a chance to get their pick into the soil, the more they stayed away from the event or left the game, which in the end had the Karavaneer finishing hardly one temple, while the Kamists having build three shrines.

Over the years it got more balanced, although when it was allowed to choose your faction (only the religion then), you could see whole guilds meandering from one side to another, depending on which was stronger - because it's more fun to be on the winner's side, I guess.

Balance in power was reached at one time when Karavan PvP players and Karavan RP players decided to stick their heads together and fought side to side, although at length the Karavaneer were still bleeding out. Before the merge, the Karavaneer could still hold an outpost or take one, but at a ratio of fighters 1:3 (and worse), mainly because the Alliance of Honour was still aligned to Jena, and Hell, they could fight!

After the merge, there were so few German Karavaneer returning that it did hardly matter - partly because of the language barrier, of course. So the German shrinkage really is not that important regarding today's situation.

The language barrier, I can imagine, is also a great hindance to coordinated fights today. Not every French or German player speaks English, and very few of the English language players speak French or German. So how can you fight properly if you have to discuss or translate everything said before you are able to take action?


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
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Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
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