Balance at op fights

Mjollren (atys)
I don't see how aggro dragging is an issue, just an extra PvE inconvenience along with the PvE against guards. Pure PvP would be arenas only; even supernodes see the accidental vorax drag.

A dozen Kinchers is more than just "inconvenient" unless the defending team is at least fifty masters. And while the occasional accidental Vorax drag happens at SNs, it's not an "every 2 minutes" occurence. At least the guards are a designated part of OP battles. I don't consider them PvE as they are not a natural part of Atys; they exist only for OP battles.

About the only way I see agro-dragging as balanced is if defenders outnumber attackers by 3-to-1 or more, forcing the attackers to exploit the environment... or if the attackers are just too incompetent to fight themselves and too poor to hire NPC guards to fight for them.

But that's just the opinion of a Tryker who prefers to do her own killing or die honorably trying.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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