Balance at op fights

Ummm ... we kill npcs at OPs, that's the gist. In fact The Outsiders have brilliantly shown in the past few days that you can ignore the defending players (to some extent) and focus on killing the npcs with great results; if you have good jewels and the opponents can't manage to stun/root you, a bomb enchant will wreak havoc in the npc "guards".

I don't see how aggro dragging is an issue, just an extra PvE inconvenience along with the PvE against guards. Pure PvP would be arenas only; even supernodes see the accidental vorax drag.

Back to the topic at hand: forced GvG would just see the creation of two superguilds along the lines of faction. Forced caps on numbers would create 2-3 superguilds dedicated to pvp. As long as there's an economic incentive to be in the ever-growing winning "pool", there will be imbalances. What you need is a system that's self-limiting as its numbers grow.


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Last visit Friday, 20 September 09:29:05 UTC

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