Balance at op fights

Two ideas to make the op battles a bit more balanced.

Idea 1:
Make sure the difference in attackers / defenders is maximum x amount of people. If there are more than x on one side, new people that attempt to join will be queued until the other side also get people to join.

Idea 2:
Same as above but it is only attackers that are limited.

Snippets from other ideas that people have posted below:

… keep it like it is but ban launchers …
… have an "invisible fence" around OPs during the battle that wouldn't allow agro within …
… kami and kara would be better off joining forces …
… get rid of op's …
… make those guilds that own OP's pay a tax wherever they own an OP to the local government …


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Last visit Friday, 20 September 09:49:00 UTC

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