PvP points farming

<<The concept of "exploit" covers any use of a third-party program or a bug to gain an advantage over the other players>>

I just took that from the CoC, farming pvp points is neither achieved via third party programmes nor is it a bug, it doesn't give any advantage over other players as I see it.

It has always been common for csrs to have diverging interpretations regarding the rules, so a punishment would depend on whether you're lucky enough to catch the more flexible-minded one.

Besides, there is no substantial proof for them to work with should it be deemed really illegal e.g the bunch pf people killing each other in GoC could say they're learning the basics or simply prefer to pvp vs friends rather than the people who do that in Void vs anyone daring, or a load of other possibilities.

As a final thought, i think there's more important things (new content, bugs, camping) that need to be worked on and affecting a larger player base than pvp point farming which can be a very subjective topic and which only affects a very small fraction of the community.



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