Join Warrior Academy

To all homins:

Myself and Bucshotz have created school to teach pvp to those who are interested and want to try something new. In this school we will teach you the techniques of healing, melee, and key strategies of pvp to not only make you better but make you a winner in pvp. Although i am Marauder, myself and Bucshotz will not discriminate against faction or race we are simply teachers. This school is meant to bring pvp back ingame and hopefully broadn some of your horizons to a new style of gameplay. Learning techniques in pvp will enhance your gameplay in not only JUST pvp but in duels as well as OP battles and also makes you a well rounded homin of battle. I have taught a couple players who've never pvp'd and now are hooked to it and cant wait to take there new skills and information they learned from us to the battle field. Our techniques and style work, we won't ever steer you wrong. We teach you what we know because we want as much of a challenge as you do. Type /channel pvp to talk with all of us.


The Black Cloud
Why you are weak? Because you lack Hatred
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 06:59:57 UTC

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