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Occupations Bugs

What would be better, to report bugs in the Occupations via individual tickets or to list them all in a single thread? I figured if known bugs and maybe ways to work around them were posted on the forums the community might benefit from it. Well this is what I ran into so far:

Larvester, grade 1: It seems like taking both component missions from the Master Larvester at the same time might cause them to interfere with each other. No matter which larvae I turned in to Ana Ryon, whether they were for the 1st or 2nd mission, she always gave me Primary Larva in return, never Secondary. For this problem, once I abandonned one of the missions, it started to work normally.

Also, after I turned in the first batch of larvae to Ana and finished a mission, giving her more larvae I already had in my inventory for the next mission would not yield the component item. The larvae were gone, but I didn't get the item. So I had to dig new ones each time. Dunno if this is a bug tho, or how it's supposed to be.


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."
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Last visit Sunday, 6 October 10:23:11 UTC

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